Thursday, January 13, 2011

pipe, split, rotate

Recently I have to strace to monitor a long-running daemon. strace will generate a lot of output but it doesn't have a built-in way to split the output into files. At first, I have a few idea to solve the problem:

1. "split" command can split the output to files but it has a pre-set limit. For example, default it names the output file with suffix "aa", "ab"...., "zz" and then it will stop. You can increase suffix length but it will eventually stop.

2. Normal "logrotate" method would not work because strace will not accept SIGHUP (like httpd does) to close and open the log file.

3. Use a cronjob to "stop, rotate file and restart strace" - it will lost the trace between the stop and restart of strace.

I then try to write my own program to read the input and write to file and rotate. But after I finished, I search on web and find an existing program which can solve my problem: "rotatelogs". It comes with httpd package.

For example:

# strace -f -t -p | rotatelogs output_log 86400

It will write the output to output_log and rotate it every 86400s (24hrs). You can also specify the size of each output file.