Thursday, December 18, 2008

Restart Marker for kSar

I would like to propose a new feature to kSar. I called it "Restart Marker".

Actually the system reboot information is recorded by sar. It would be convenient to show it on kSar and the graph would be much clearer if the graph line is broken when the system restart. The left-end of the gap is the last record before the system restart. And the right-end of the gap is the first record after the system restart. And the time of the marker is the exact time that the system restart.

I have already completed the patch for Linux sar file. As I know, the sar file in other OS should have similar record too but I don't have them in hand. Would anyone please provide me such sar file with system restart record so that I can add this feature for other OS?

You can download the testing ksar here.
The patch for ksar-5.0.6 is here.

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